Week 9 – Five Steps to Email Marketing

untitledEmail marketing can often be seen as the poor relation in the Digital marketing toolbox.  Yet companies still believe it to be very effective.  Today we’re going to look at the five steps in implementing an email marketing campaign.

Step 1:  Define Objectives

Because of its personal nature email is effective at delivering objectives like generating leads, renewing relationships with clients, introducing offers or enhancing brand reputation.  Set down specific, timed and realistic objectives.

Step 2: Manage Lists

Creating, updating and managing lists is an ongoing task. To generate a list collect emails from sign-ups, or downloadable documents  on your website.  If you have a store request email information by running a competition and wherever there is a networking opportunity be sure to get people’s business cards. Set up a system that ensures your data does not go out of date and is relevant to your message.  Segment your lists by geography, interest or business and customer type.email-sign-up

Step 3: Produce compelling content and offers

The decision to open or delete an email is made by how compelling the subject line is.  Give some thought to developing a clear, attention grabbing subject line.  Research shows that if the email is sent by an actual person rather than a company name the open rate is higher.  Provide valuable and relevant content to your email recipients with new product news, product offers or competitions.  Make sure there is an obvious and focused Call-to-Action and include social sharing button links.  Always include an unsubscribe link but here give your customer an option to come back at a later stage.


Step 4:  Schedule your emails

The time of day and the number of emails you send to your customers will differ from industry to industry.  Only send emails when you have something to say as cluttering up inboxes to generate awareness can have a negative effect and be frustrating for the recipient.  Sending Emails early in the morning has proven to be the best time for open rates.

Step 5:  Measure Results

A good email software provider will have the relevant measurement reports for your email campaign.  When sending the email choose the A/B subject line test option.  This allows you to send two different subject lines to a sample list,  the most effective line then is sent to the total subscribers list.   Look at open rates but more importantly the Click Through Rate and what content is being clicked on.  Be sure to track the measurements so you can get a picture of the type of emails and content that are more successful than others.

More and more emails are opened through mobile.  Watch this in your metrics and check how your emails render on both mobile and tablet.

Next week is the last week of the course.  We will be doing a review of the whole course so be sure to check in for a revision update.

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